Bereavement Benefit
LCBA provides a Bereavement Benefit offering comfort to the family of the deceased.
Standard Benefits
Your loved ones may choose either a live tree seedling to plant in your memory, or a complete grief recovery program that includes a series of four 30-page booklets written to address the stages of grief. Each booklet is timed, based on the date of your passing, to arrive as your loved one enters each new stage of grief.
Veteran Benefits
Honoring our veterans has always been important to us, and now we are offering a rich cherry memorial flag case as a bereavement benefit exclusively for our veteran members.
Telephone Support
In addition, LCBA members can call 315-725-6132 for telephone support and referrals to appropriate professional help. We hope this helps your beneficiary cope with the painful feelings and emotions that arise after losing you.
Your Entire Family
If you, your family, or friends would like additional items, you may order extras from LCBA at cost. Please contact LCBA at 1-800-234-5222 for more information.
Beneficiary must be the spouse, child or parent of an LCBA Benefit or Agency member who died after December 31, 1996.
Beneficiary need not be a member.
In the event of multiple beneficiaries, LCBA makes determination of which beneficiary is eligible. Additional booklets/trees are available at cost.