Newborn Benefit
The death of an infant is a tragic loss for the entire family, emotionally and financially. Funeral expenses and hospital bills put a terrible strain on an already grieving family. We cannot take away the emotional pain, but we can ease the financial burdens.
General Guidelines
An LCBA Benefit or Agency member or the spouse of an LCBA Benefit or Agency member that gives live birth are eligible for one of two benefits. Should the live born infant die on or before the 60th day after birth, a benefit of $2,500 shall be paid to the member to help defray funeral costs. Additionally, the LCBA member may immediately, or for up to 60 days after birth, apply for up to $5,000 of whole life insurance on the newborn. LCBA will issue a policy based on standard rates upon application and payment provided the newborn is living on the 16th day after birth regardless of the health of the newborn.
At least one parent must be an LCBA Benefit of Agency member.
Newborn must be/have been a live birth.
$2,500 benefit provided if newborn dies less than 60 days after birth.
Guaranteed coverage option must be requested and coverage must be in effect (applied and paid for) prior to the newborn’s 60th day of life.
Guaranteed coverage is based on standard rates of permanent life insurance.
Guaranteed coverage will not be issued until after the newborn has survived at least 16 days.