Post-Secondary Scholarship

The 2025 scholarship application period is now open.

NEW THIS YEAR: The deadline is April 1. Call 800-234-5222 with any questions.


  • LCBA offers a Post-Secondary Scholarship (“Scholarship”) to those individuals pursuing higher education.

  • Five scholarships of $2,500 are awarded each year via a lottery


Applicant must

  • be a benefit member or Agency member (“Member”), or be the natural or legally adopted greatgrandchild, grandchild, or child of a Member. The certificate supporting the Scholarship applicant’s eligibility must be active on the April 1st deadline;

  • be attending or entering an accredited degree or certificate granting institution for the summer or fall semester and working towards their first degree/certificate on a full-time basis.

  • Entrant must have a minimum of a 2.5 on a 4.0 GPA scale or equivalent from their high school for those entering their first year and from their post-secondary institution for those beyond their first year and provide an official transcript as proof.

  • Must be a high school graduate by July 31 of the year of entry (GED certificates will be accepted, both as evidence of graduation and for the 2.5 of 4.0 GPA requirement. If graduation requirement is not met, no check will be issued and the award is forfeited.)

  • High school graduates (teenagers or adults) of any age can apply provided they are working towards their first degree/certificate and may reapply each year for the normal term of their program based on full-time enrollment, four years or until termination from the educational facility, whichever comes first.

Dates & Deadlines

  • Applications will be accepted annually starting January 2. If January 2 falls on a weekend, then the start date will be the next business day.

  • Mailed Scholarship applications shall be sent to PO Box 13005, Erie, PA 16514, and must be postmarked no later than the deadline of April 1st and received on or before April 8th.

  • Emailed Scholarship applications shall be sent to at or before 11:59:59PM(ET) on the deadline of April 1st.

  • Online Scholarship applications shall submitted at or before 11:59:59PM(ET) on the deadline of April 1st.


  • LCBA’s Post-Secondary Scholarship application is available online at or may be obtained by calling LCBA at 1.800.234.5222.

  • An applicant, who is not a Member, but is eligible on the application deadline, shall remain eligible for the Scholarship lottery if the Member dies after the application deadline and on or before the lottery date provided the guidelines and application deadline are met.

  • An applicant will receive an additional lottery entry for each current Member who is a policyholder themselves, parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent, with an LCBA certificate listed on his/her Scholarship application provided the certificate is eligible.

  • LCBA will screen Scholarship applications to determine if the eligibility requirements have been met.

  • Scholarship recipients will be notified by June 1st. The names of Scholarship recipients will be published in LCBA’s Direction magazine.

  • LCBA will send Scholarship payments, not to exceed $2,500, directly to the school selected by the Scholarship recipient.


  • Each scholarship will provide the actual cost of tuition to a maximum of $2,500 and must be used in the calendar year in which it was awarded.

  • An extension of time to use the Scholarship may be approved, at the sole discretion of LCBA, based on case by case circumstances provided the written extension request is received prior to the year-end expiration.

Bonus Entries

  • Every member who applies for a Scholarship online at will receive one additional entry.

  • Each applicant will get an additional entry for each current benefit member (parent, grandparent, great-grandparent) with an active LCBA certificate listed on the application.

  • Each applicant may be eligible for additional entries in the drawing based on academic performance, LCBA membership and LCBA fraternal involvement. (See full Bonus Entry Criteria below)

Bonus Entry Criteria

Up to 5 additional lottery chances are awarded to qualified entrants for each of the following:

  • One additional entry for each 0.25 (or fraction thereof) points of GPA over 3.0.

    • Over 3.00 but less than 3.25 = 1 bonus entry

    • Over 3.25 but less than 3.50 = 2 bonus entries

    • Over 3.50 but less than 3.75 = 3 bonus entries

    • Over 3.75 but less than 4.00 = 4 bonus entries

    • 4.00 = 5 bonus entries

  • One additional entry for each full year of continuous LCBA benefit membership as an insured on either a life or annuity certificate with a limit of five additional entries. Continuous membership is measured starting with the year of application for the scholarship and counting backwards. Membership will be determined based on Association records on the application deadline.

  • One additional entry for each act of LCBA fraternal service as attested to by two LCBA Branch Officers with a limit of five. Each act of LCBA fraternal service must have been during the applicant’s most recent years of continuous benefit membership as described above. LCBA fraternal service verification forms will be sent to LCBA Officers for each applicant.

Other Rules

  • There are no refunds or direct payment to the Scholarship recipient for any Scholarship amount not applied to the school’s tuition or enrollment fee.

  • LCBA reserves the right to modify, suspend or terminate this program without prior notice.