Get Involved
When you purchase an LCBA insurance certificate or annuity, you become a member of a fraternal benefit society a not-for-profit organization that operates under the "common bond" of Christianity and returns earnings from the sale of financial service products to our members in the form of discount/value added benefits and support service projects through our member branches in their communities.
LCBA community service takes place through a branch system.
Member branches are the hubs of LCBA community activity. If you live near one of our local chapters that we call branches, your membership is assigned to that branch and you will receive communication from them about local branch events and volunteer opportunities.
If you live outside the area of one of our local branches, you will be part of our larger national branch. We encourage members of this National Branch to join together at a local level to support organizations and activities in their local communities.
Can’t find a local LCBA Branch near you? Why not start your own branch? Contact us at branch@lcbalife.org to find out more information about starting a branch in your community.
Do you feel too busy?
We get it. Sometimes it's hard to find extra time. Do you feel like you don't have enough free time to commit to an LCBA branch? Lots of members have felt the same way until they found out that there's no pressure to participate and LCBA makes it easy to control your time invested if you do.
Some members have great ideas for, or are already involved in, local community service projects that could use the financial and material support LCBA can offer – so they head up a volunteer project with their assigned branch or they ask to start a new branch altogether.
Others select volunteer projects and roles from time to time as able. They participate in things like getting the word out for a "bakeless" bake sale or helping at a one-time fundraising event.
LCBA Supports its Branches by matching funds the Branch raises up to $2,000 per year, and provides an incentive program that can earn them up to an additional $2,500 each year. We also provide support services that include tickets, posters, newsletter, and limited mailing services.
The American Fraternal Alliance sponsors and supports a program called “Join Hands Day” which encourages people to reach across generations to do good in their community.
2021 Branch Service Numbers
Number of non-profit community-based organizations and individuals helped.
Total donations made by LCBA Branches.
Number of volunteer hours contributed to a variety of life-enhancing projects.
Want to join a branch?
Contact us today at 800-234-5222! Learn more about branches here.
Can’t find a local LCBA Branch near you? Why not start your own branch? Contact us at branch@lcbalife.org to find out more information about starting a branch in your community.